Contact: superninjamommy [at] gmail [dot] com

Friday, July 3, 2009

Watch Your Words...

Some four legged creature in my house decided to have a crap in front of the back door. I didn't find it right away, but I knew it was there, and I walked around the house trying to find it, cursing the animals the whole way.

Beastie was following closely behind me, holding her nose, saying "Stinky! Poopies! Pee Cue! Pee Cue!"

And then we came upon the offensive mess, and she let go of her nose and yelled, "DOG SHIT!"

That's something to be proud of, right there.


Lisa said...

Ha ha, I think that it's funny when little kids say naughty words. Wrong maybe, but hilarious nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

That's funny! My 8 year old got in trouble at school last year for blurting out "Oh, CRAP!" when she was told she had to partner up with the class bully. When the teacher told me about it, I told her I was surprised she didn't say something much worse...

Caz said...

LMAO That is just gold! Years from now you will be SO glad you preserved that moment in time ;)