Contact: superninjamommy [at] gmail [dot] com

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Did you have a homebirth?

I'm in training to become a leader for Dar a Luz. Part of this training is that I need to interview two moms - one who's had a c-section, which was easy, because one of my favorite bloggers had two of them, and she agreed to do an interview. Yay!

But the other one is proving a bit harder. I need to interview a mom who has had a planned homebirth. It has to have been a birth at home, no hospital transfer, and it doesn't matter if it was assisted or not.

The questions are easy to answer and shouldn't take a long time. Your name and location will be kept confidential, and I won't be posting your answers anywhere online.

So, are you up for it? Do you know someone who might be? Send me an email [ superninjamommy AT gmail DOT com ] or comment with your contact information - I'll love you forever!


mom said...

homebirthed a couple babies....
had69 @ live . com if you need me :)

Arwyn said...

Only done the one homebirth (out of one birth total), but I'd be happy to talk to you. raisingmyboychick at gmail dot com

Green V-Neck said...

Had a homebirth after two c-sections, one of them for twins.